Holiday with your dog
Enjoy your next camping holiday with your beloved dog.

Tips from a pro
Lukas Pratschker runs the School of Dog in Vienna and Neunkirchen. Lukas is known for having won the RTL show "Supertalent 2013" with his dog Falco. The professional for dog dance shows gives tips exclusively for Gebetsroither on how to travel with your dog and what to keep in mind on heat days.
What do you take with you when you travel with your dogs? What is your packing list for your dogs?
Most of the time, the suitcase for the dogs is bigger and fuller than mine. But as I always like to be well prepared for everything, the following things are on our packing list: First-aid kit for the dog (Also tablets against diarrhoea, bandages to bandage cuts, ...), toys, place to lie down, snacks, food and the usual bowls, short and long leash as well as collar and chest harness.
How do you deal with heat in the car?
Very important to mention: Dogs and children must never be left in the car in warm temperatures. Even just a few minutes is enough to heat up the car to an unbearable heat, so that there is danger to life. On a journey, we always help ourselves with special cooling products such as a cooling mat for dogs. Taking regular breaks and providing enough drinking water is also a must for me.
How much water does a dog need to drink so that the journey is not exhausting?
Basically, this depends a lot on the size and exercise of the dog. As a rule of thumb, dogs with a normal activity level should drink about 100 millilitres of fluid per kilogram of body weight. In addition, the water balance can be boosted by feeding wet food or by adding water to dry food.
If the dog avoids the water offered for stress reasons or similar, I would advise mixing liver pate or other treats into the water to make it more attractive for the four-legged friend.
At what intervals do you take breaks and how long should they be?
In the summer, we always make sure to take a break after 3 hours of driving at the latest. My dogs always sleep in the car. So when they get up, constantly change their position and are restless, I realise that it's about time for a break.
What do you do with your dogs during travel breaks?
First I always offer them enough fresh water to drink, then we go for a short walk. But I always let my dogs be dogs, sniff the meadows and do their business. It's a relaxing balance. When we are on long journeys, such as the annual trip from Vienna to England, I also use the breaks for small training sessions to get my dogs tired. Sniffing games (for example scattering treats in the meadow and then letting them search for them) or learning various tricks are always good for this.
What should you bear in mind when feeding your dog before the start of the journey, during the journey and after arrival at the destination?
If the dog is not used to long journeys, or generally tends to feel unwell when driving, I would advise talking to the vet first. I make sure that my dogs don't get any new treats or food before a journey, because I can't expect my four-legged friends to have stomach problems on a long car journey. Most dogs like it when the normal routine and maybe even the fixed feeding times are followed on the day of the journey.
How do you plan these breaks?
I ideally have time in advance to look at Google Maps to see where there are enough green spaces available. I also often ask my Facebook friends if there might be an insider tip or two on the route in question for dogs.
For example, we have already used a great lake for a swimming break for the dogs. I don't like rest stops for longer breaks with dogs, as many people leave their rubbish there and there are always dangers lurking, such as rat poison boxes or broken glass.
Is there a special food for dogs?
There are some possibilities, especially in the homeopathic field, for dogs to prevent discomfort in the car. However, I recommend that you always talk to a specialist and do not wantonly try things out on the internet. Especially a change of food makes many dogs uncomfortable in the first few days, which is why I advise not to give a new food so spontaneously before the start of the journey. What can often be useful, however, is a suitable chewing bone or chew toy that the dog can chew on during the journey. The exercise reduces stress and the dog has something to do even on a long journey.
Does a dog get sunburn or sunstroke?
Overheating can also occur in dogs. Important: the dog should not be cooled down with ice-cold water or a bath in case of heat stroke, but should be brought to a normal temperature bit by bit with wet towels. Some dogs have little fur or sensitive skin on the bridge of the nose and sometimes on the ears. In this case, it would be important to apply non-toxic sunscreen to these areas several times. Special care should be taken on stones and asphalt: This heats up extremely quickly and can be like burning coals for our dogs. Always test whether the ground is cool enough for humans to walk barefoot on. If the pads are burnt, seek immediate veterinary attention.
How can I tell that the dog is suffering from heat?
Just like humans, dogs are heat-loving and cold-loving. If I notice that my dog only prefers the shade, shows sluggish behaviour all day long, maybe even refuses to eat or go for a walk, I realise that the heat is getting too much for my dog.
Overheating can be noticed by a fast pulse, rapid shallow breathing, staggering gait, balance problems, pale mucous membranes, loss of consciousness or even unconsciousness.
What do I do to alleviate acute heat complaints of the dog or to avoid them?
Move your dog's walks to the early morning and/or late evening hours. Before going on holiday, it is always a good choice to visit a reputable dog groomer, who will provide the dog's coat type with appropriate care. With my dogs, for example, the undercoat is always brushed out to prevent heat build-up, while the top coat stays long and protects the skin from sunlight. Swimming and the occasional homemade dog ice cream can also help. In the warm summer months, it is generally advisable to avoid exertion. So when you go for a bike ride in the summer, do without your dog.
What can newcomers do who are travelling with their dog for the first time?
A good tip is to gather a lot of information in advance so that you can make good preparations at home. Many people do not buy a dog transport box, for example, until right before departure. Of course, many dogs are not very enthusiastic if they are not familiar with the transport in the box. You could place it in the living room a few weeks before the journey and teach the dog to relax in this box. This is also a good way to give the dog a sense of security: Never leave the dog alone in unfamiliar surroundings if he is not used to it. In many cases, four-legged friends like it when the daily routine is halfway oriented to the daily walking and feeding times. Familiar smells and toys also provide relaxation. For me, travel preparations always include a check at the vet's and clarification of the entry regulations in the respective holiday country.